Most everyone is familiar with the much-lauded flavor of
Cuban cigars. But how do you know if you’re smoking a Cuban cigar, or a cigar
from any other country for that matter? For those new to the world of cigar
smoking, you should know that every cigar-producing country has its own unique
flavor and character. The soil quality and the way the tobacco is produced and
rolled contribute to the overall flavor of the finished product.
One must of course allow for significant regional variety,
here are some very basic guidelines for getting to know the world’s flavors.
The famous Cuban cigars are renowned for their smoothness
and ‘creamy’ flavors. They are applauded for their rich flavors and overall
premium quality. Cigars from Central American countries like Honduras and
Nicaragua are known to be strong and rich in flavor. Caribbean countries like
Jamaica and the Dominican Republic are known for their milder flavors.
Whatever country you purchase from, remember that a good way
to gauge the overall flavor of a cigar is to note its diameter and length. In
general, cigars with a thicker diameter will have a richer flavor. Longer
cigars are generally cooler.
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